PCR MasterMix

Biological Reagents and Kits  Biomiga  PCR related products  PCR MasterMix

Biomiga 2xTaq PCR Master Mix, 5x1mL Includes: Taq DNA Polymerase, Salts, Magnesium, and dNTPs

PCR MasterMix: Contains DNA polymerase, dNTPs, MgC12, reaction buffer, PCR reaction enhancer
and stabilizer. When use, please add the template, primer and water to the PCR superMix for PCR reaction.

5X 1 mL

$ 150.00 (Price / EA)

Biomiga 2xTaq PCR Master Mix, 20x1mL Includes: Taq DNA Polymerase, Salts, Magnesium, and dNTPs.

PCR MasterMix: Contains DNA polymerase, dNTPs, MgC12, reaction buffer, PCR reaction enhancer
and stabilizer. When use, please add the template, primer and water to the PCR superMix for PCR reaction.


$ 495.00 (Price / EA)

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